Sunday 16 March 2008

Avant Garde my Arse!!

I hate the term 'avant garde' - it's one of those phrases bandied about by people who just don't understand - it's all relative. It's like the word 'crap' - who are we to call something crap when we don't like it. For example, I really dislike Scouting For Girls but I wouldn't call them crap (someone must enjoy their cod Del Amitri, lovey-dovey, 'ooh she's so lovely', immature drivel!). Anyway, back to the point of this rant, one band that is always having the 'avant garde' label thrust upon them are The Mars Volta. I caught them in London on Friday; what I saw wasn't avant garde but the most joyous, ear-splitting, exhilarating noise I've had the pleasure of listening to for quite a while; 2+ hours of psychedelic prog-rock with some jazzy weirdness and some 'cerebral' lyrics, oh, and some awesome guitar work. For those who've never had the pleasure I've posted 'The Widow' from the 'Frances The Mute' lp. I would seriously recommend investing in the full output.

The Mars Volta - The Widow

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